sorry i haven't updated. Been busy with work, however ive got photos coming tomorrow of what ive been upto. Any, ive decided on my guard list and colour scheme (hope it looks gd). But ive been having alook at other guard lists im likely to see at the GT and i think this will be a popular one.
(Nabbed from Warseer)
Command w/ 4 Melta guns (Ride in the 2 Vendetta Squadron)
10 Veterans w/ 3 Melta guns (Ride in the 2 Vendetta Squadron
10 Veterans w/ 3 Melta guns (Ride in a Vendetta)
10 Veterans w/ 3 Melta guns (Ride in a Vendetta)
2 Vendettas
Lemun Russ Punisher w/ Heavy Bolter sponsors
Lemun Russ Punisher w/ Heavy Bolter sponsors
Lemun Russ Punisher w/ Heavy Bolter sponsors
Personally i think that its a one trick pony army that needs the first turn to cause the damage to tanks and any infantry sitting about. If it doesnt get turn one it will struggle against most armies. As AV12 isnt gonna save you from most things sitting about in armies. Using mine for comparison, ive got 4 autocannons, 3 multi lasers, 6 melta guns, battlecannon and demo cannon and plasma cannons. I would only have to damage 2 or 3 out of the 6 and it would cause problems. Admitelly i dont like facing leman russ, i love the fact mine are quite hardy and i have a feeling so are other peoples! Outlfanking is unreliable to be honest in a tourney situation, its a big gamble.
Also the major problem with a valk is its size and this paragrapgh taken from the 40k rulebook.
P71 - Small one
Skimmer section at the bottom
'Note that it is not permitted to remove the flying stand other than in two cases above, as normally skimmers cannot land in battle conditions'
The two cases are basically when it gets immoblized or blown up.
This means you got 6 massive models that have to be on very large stands, which means nice big targets!
So anyway ill put my army list up with some pics tomorrow. But please discuss! It be interesting to see what your guys and gals think or the army?